Forty ways to look after yourself

At the London Lucky Things Meet Up in January, the theme was looking after yourself. Not only did we hear tips from one of the UK’s leading mindfulness experts Dr.Tamara Russell, we also heard each other’s ideas for taking care of ourselves. I encouraged the attendees to think of a nurture wish they would like to pursue during the following month. I didn’t suggest something for the whole year as sometimes you just need to try things out. It had to be something that would be good for them as individuals. So what better way to kick off my 40th year with a list of 40 ways to look after yourself. These are just 40 of the nurture wishes people shared with me at the Lucky Things Meet Up. Enjoy this list and hope it also offers a bit of self-care inspiration…


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Lucky Things Inspire: Ursula, co-founder of Mum Days

It’s great hearing about new brands and more importantly the people behind them.It’s not just social media that helps to spread the word, good old  word-of-mouth works too. I first heard about Mumsdays through my work mate Laura. It’s great how we enjoy connecting each other with people and ideas. So I wanted to share more about the co-founder of this thoughtful online gift hub. It was lovely hearing from Ursula about going to gigs as a kid, looking after twins and our shared love of 80s classic disco tunes….

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What have these ladies learnt from 2016? Mothers Meeting Confidence Conference

It’s pretty important to get people together. The last Mothers Meeting of 2016 brought together lots of talented ladies at London’s The Town Hall Hotel.  Not just a community of old and new faces but also the amazing entrepreneurs at the Christmas market. As the end of 2016 approaches  a lot of us are thinking about the year behind us. We’re thinking about the ups and downs, the ins and outs of how we got through it and what we have planned for 2017 (crikey, where has the year gone?).

At this Mothers Meeting Confidence Conference we heard from a panel about what they have learnt from 2016. They also shared their highlights. Cherry Healey hosted the chat on the sofa featuring Anna from Mother Pukka, Zoe from Dress Like A Mum, Steph from Don’t Buy Her Flowers, Hollie, creator of Yes Mum cards, Clemmie from Mother of Daughters and Clemmie Telford from Mother of All Lists.


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Wellbeing: What does girl gang mean to me?

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while. But now is a good time as this year I’ve also experienced a new definition of girl gang. Let’s go back, way back. So what did girl gang mean to me when I was younger? It was a group of girls who we couldn’t relate to. They had different priorities. They had a different boldness. They were extroverts. They ruled the school playground and our local shopping centre. They were busy being exclusive. Little did they know, me and my secondary school mates were quite happy in our own little gang with our own traditions. Ours was just more of an inclusive one, with no rules.

So what does girl gang mean to me now? More importantly, below is the kind of girl gang I hope my two daughters encounter as they grow up… Continue reading

Get crafty – why grown ups should have fun with art and crafts too

I’m definitely an arty kind of girl. I’d always be making something when I was little. It suited my shy personality. I’d happily sit at the kitchen table and make something out of nothing. I’d make something whilst watching my cartoons (the start of multi-tasking I guess). On holidays I came up with my own art projects. Total art geek right? At school I’d start customising my friends school shirts with embroidery (basic stitch of course!). I stitched Bros logos onto mine! Recently, I’ve realised there are lots of reasons for grown ups to have fun doing art and crafts too. I also had a fab time with the London Craft Club the other week. Continue reading

What does GEM mean to me?

There are few things that GEM mean to me and my family. GEM is an abbreviation for gemstone. If I were to flick through the Sunita-cyclopedia I’m sure it says something that is strong, sparkly and precious. Sometimes I find myself saying to others “You’re a gem”. It means someone who is so supportive and just fabulous. I always feel grateful for everyone’s help and encouragement.

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Why it’s important to celebrate small milestones 

When was the last time you celebrated a small milestone or achievement? We are so busy juggling our to-do lists and getting on with everyday life we often forget to give ourselves a pat on the back. With the blogger world being as huge as it is, it’s even more important to celebrate the small milestones. So whatever you’re getting on with in everyday life, here’s seven reasons why it’s important to celebrate small milestones… Continue reading

Celebrate your culture

How do you describe your culture? Culture can be about the way we live, who we are, our religious roots or who we want to be. It’s also about traditions, whether they’re annual or everyday, formal or informal. This weekend we will be celebrating Diwali -our Hindu new year and festival of light. As part of my degree, our geography lecturer talked about youth cultures and street art. This was a completely different side to the definition of culture I grew up with. I loved growing my own youth culture. When I was much younger, culture was about… Continue reading

Why it’s good to get people together – the first Lucky Things Meet Up

img_8132On a Sunday morning back in September, I realised that I wanted to get people together. A chance to hang out with some of the ladies who I’d linked up with via Lucky Things blog, Twitter and Instagram. It had to be in October. November felt too far away. As everyone was so responsive to the Lucky Things Meet Up idea, it felt easy to organise. Venue booked. E-invites sent out. Treats organised. The first Lucky Things Meet Up, to be held at Drake and Morgan’s The Drift Bar on a Sunday afternoon, was starting to come together.

Don’t forget to check out the follow-up post The Lucky Things Meet Up in Pictures.

Here’s more than seven things why I organised the meet up…

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